Austin Crime Map And Info
We all wonder if our neighborhood is a safe and secure area, but how will your home compare with the larger city? Look at the following Austin crime map and figure out how your neighborhood stacks up. Then take a quick look at some ways to make your house and city more safe and secure.
Austin Crime Map
Our Austin Crime Map shows a heat map of overall crime in the city. Deeper red squares indicate a larger concentration of events in relation to the greater metropolitan. To see a greater view of Austin, hit the + button to zoom out. Or use the - to zoom in on a single neighborhood.
Common Ways To Help Keep Your Street Safe And Secure
Even though misdeeds will always occur, there's a lot you can do regarding neighborhood safety. Check out these five easy guidelines to keep your community secure and inviting.
Look out for your community: The more you talk to different community members, the simpler it will be to look out for one another. Many neighborhoods in Austin have even started a coordinated neighborhood watch.
Invest in a security system: If a robber trips an alarm system, it should stop them from creeping around that same community for a while. Your outside cameras could also capture people cutting through your front yard when running from a thwarted break-in.
Keep valuables hidden in your car: Forgetting your billfold, iPad, or mobile phone in plain sight can instigate a vehicular break-in. If you can, double check you have your valuables or leave them out of sight under the seat or trunk.
Install outside motion lights: Light is an intruder’s worst fear. By putting up sensored lights over a deck or a patio doorway, you may scare off a break-in before it happens.
Alert neighbors to when you’re gone: Let a trusted neighbor know when you’re going out of town, and give them a spare key or door lock code to check-in periodically. Although, keep your vacation plans off public social media sites if at all possible.
Let Secure24 Alarm Systems Help Your Neighborhood Stay Safe
When you need a state-of-the-art security system to help protect your house from break-ins, fire, or other disasters, contact Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll describe your home security and automation options and can help you personalize the perfect system for your needs. Just contact (512) 641-0712 or send in the form below.